Smoking is as popular as alcohol in the world. Today, it is difficult not to meet a smoker when you go around the city. Smoking in public places is a very controversial topic. One basic disadvantage of smoking in public places…Całe wypracowanie →
Can you imagine our world without sport? It is believed that this field plays really important role in people's life. Today, we may feel a social pressure into leading an active lifestyle. But is sport really so good for our life? …Całe wypracowanie →
Can you imagine our life without work? I am sure this is really impossible for you. It seems that working is basis of life. In fact, we learn at school, studies to get a job in the future. Without work, an…Całe wypracowanie →
Can you show me some student who loves his/her school? It's rather an impossible situation. However, almost all adults are thinking that goind to school was the best time of their life. It is often suggested that school give us…Całe wypracowanie →
A bicycle has always been a friend of people. All children want to have it and learn riding. Travelling by bicycle may bring a lot of pleasure, but we should not forget about bad points. Firstly, travelling by bicycle is…Całe wypracowanie →
Have you ever dreamt of being a rich and famous person? I am sure you have! It may seem, that such life is so incredible and amazing. Nobody thinks about bad sides. But are stars always happy? Firstly, rich and…Całe wypracowanie →