My brother's name is Piotrek. He's 20 yeard old. Piotrek is rather tall and slim. He is muscular and well-built. He has blond hair and green eyes. His hobby is sport. He plays football, volleyball, swims and watches matches in…Całe wypracowanie →
Zdający pisemną maturę z angielskiego na poziomie rozszerzonym, opis osoby powinien rozpocząć od krótkiej informacji na temat tego, kim ona jest, skąd pochodzi, skąd jest znana, ile ma lata, gdzie się urodziła. Następnie, w rozwinięciu, zdający powinien rozpocząć od opisu…Całe wypracowanie →
Oto zebrana lista przydatnych zwrotów, wyrażeń, które możesz, a nawet powinieneś używać podczas tworzenia swojego opisu osoby na pisemnej maturze z angielskiego na poziomie rozszerzonym. Warto dosłownie nauczyć się tych zwrotów, ponieważ nie tylko wzbogaci to twój język wypowiedzi, ale…Całe wypracowanie →
Opis znanej osoby po angielsku: Harrison Ford is one of American’s stars. He is a very popular actor who has starred in many films, such as Star Wars, Empire of Dreams and Indiana Jones: Making the trylogy. He is rather…Całe wypracowanie →
Hania Kowalska has been my neighbour for almost 12 years. I first met her when she moved to Lublin from Poznań with her four kids after her husband's death. She is rather short and slim. Hanna has got brown eyes and…Całe wypracowanie →
My best friend's name is Renata. She is fourteen years old, so she's older than me. She is rather tall and slim. She has got blond hair and blue eyes. Everyone loves her eyes, especially boys. She usually wears T-shirts…Całe wypracowanie →
My grandfather's name is Edward and he is 67 years old. He is very healthy, because he doesn't eat junk food. He had one infarct, but he is hard and now he is pleased with his life. My grandfather is rather…Całe wypracowanie →
Justin Bieber is one of Canadian stars. The first time I heard his song Boyfriend was last holiday and then I liked him very much. Justin Bieber was born on March 1, 1994 in London, Ontario. Now, he lives in Los…Całe wypracowanie →
Channing Tatum is one of American stars. The first time I saw his film was last holiday and then I liked him very much. Channing was born in Alabama. Now, he lives in Los Angeles where he works as an…Całe wypracowanie →