
Industry groups – Angielski

An economy can be divided into the private and public sector. But there is also another division in terms of the industry groups which refers to the history.

The oldest sector is primary industries which include agriculture, mining and forestry. It was everyday activity of people. Agriculture concerns land cultivation and crobs. Mining basis on natural resources.

The next sector – secondary industries is pretty young historically. It’s XIX century. It includes construction and manufacturing. Manufacturing is divided into capital goods, durable goods and non-durable goods. Heavy industry is typical for developing countries. It includes steel industry, metalurgy, sheep building, chemical industry etc. As concerns light industry, we can here distinguish food industry, clothing industry, textile, pharmaceutical etc.

And the youngest sector is services. Services developed in previos century. This sector includes baking, insurance, transport, telecommunications, logistics, IT, medicare, education system. This sector is provider of jobs.

To sum up, we can say that all three sectors are equally important to the country. Neglecting primary and secondary sector is risky.

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